TCL in Bhangelakhuri Shivrath, Salyan

August 3, 2017 Thursday: After Rolpa the VOF team headed towards Salyan. The trip was very tough, but we got to the Bhangelakhuri of Salyan with safety. There was no electricity in the place, so we hired a generator to do DVD presentation. 65+ pastor, leaders and lay church members from different churches of Salyan attended and benefited directly through the presentation.
After the presentation we heard many good feedbacks from the participants. There was a leader who runs a leadership & discipleship training in western part of Nepal shared his experience, “I felt very much painful after watching and knowing how a child is killed in a mother’s womb…even a doctor doesn’t know or see how an instrument hurting the baby and mother’s body… So, I won’t keep the issue here itself but I will take the information to many collages and churches in west Nepal.”
A woman leader stated ‘my viewpoint towards a human life in a mother’s womb and abortion changed totally after attending the TCL”.
A Pastor admitted ”Being as a Pastor I never ever raised my voice for the voiceless…but now I am very hurry to teach my congregation about the sanctity of human life”.
A Church Elder said ”I found the presentation very informative and effective… I’m very excited to take its urgency to many other leaders like me.”
A church member said ”It was good moment to be forgiven, healed and restored from all our past wrong choices.”
Specially, the trainee Social work student Sachin Sapkota was impressed with our work and teaching. I read his status on Face-book after the trip, “If you think life is precious then it is absolutely precious and if you think life is nothing then it will be nothing. So, what is life it depends on what do you think”. And he is planning to take the program among Hindu community.
The returning trip took 27 hours but whole trip was very fruitful.

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