VOF seriously prioritizes women in crisis-pregnancy rather than overlook their problem. It assumes that abortion can never be a genuine solution. Rather, it believes in befriending, listening loving and helping are all critical in the vulnerable state of these individuals in the time of crisis. It believes that these individuals must be informed about wise and practical life saving choices that do not lead them to drastic elected abortion procedures. VOF strongly promotes parenting and adoption as an alternative for women in crisis (or so called unwanted) pregnancy. 23 December, 2016 Friday, Kathmandu Nepal: A usual, VOF Nepal celebrates Christmas with single moms and their babies this year also. 8 single moms and babies were encouraged, appreciated and gifted….Ps Bikash Shrestha shared from his words….Smriti encouraged moms with her own words and experiences…Ruth shared her experience as a single mom….Santosh presented Xmas songs….Devika Shrestha prayed for the moms and the babies. Soman thanked all the moms for their great steps towards their beautiful life. Finally…had love feast of Xmas party. Thank you so much all the board members, BSW students from Oxbridge International College, Smriti and Eva for their valuable support. Merry Christmas!

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